Friday 29 August 2008

From the Web Page

Hi there. I am an ex-OM(EW)1, having served between 1998 and 2002. I recognise a few names on here (principally Gilly Gilchrist, Duncan McKellar, Willy Peacock and Brian Pennock). I was wondering if anyone can provide any info on the possible whereabouts of an classmate of mine from HMS Raleigh/HMS Dryad. His name was Jeff "JJ" Williams, he was a PCT, he lived in the Preston area (although he had a vaguely Canadian accent) and he served on HMS Marlborough in the EW department in 1999. Also any info on OM(EW) Steve Jackson (last heard of on HMS Cornwall in 1999) and PCT John Monroe (believed to have served on either HMS Portland or HMS Somerset in 1999) would be appreciated. Cheers Al Rigg ex-OM(EW)1, OM(2)EW-28 (1998-99), HMS Argyll (1999), OM(1)EW-30 (1999-2000), HMS Monmouth (2000-2002), HMS Iron Duke (2002) (once upon a time known as Crazy Al)

Responces may be sent via the Navy Gollies Web page

1 comment:

  1. Hello Martin thanks for the invite for the blog. I have been looking at the website and I sent Tony Dagens a lot of photographs but I do not think he posted any of them. Could be because he has now retired. Anyway for those that are reading this and do not know me I am George Malcolmson who served 1972-1995. I seem to recall that Mick Jenkins had proposed an association and archive of branch history but it never came to anything. I have a few dits written down somewhere and if this is the best place to put it then I am happy to do so. I am sure all the people in the branch have course photographs and lots more material but what it needs is somebodey to colate it all. Hopefully we could have a complete record of all course that went through the various schools and they could be tagged and everybody identified. I am currently putting quite a lot on facebook. I started off at HMS Mercury as an RO (W) and endede up as a CPO OPs EW I served on HMS Blake, HMS Sirius, HMS Leander, HMS Aurora, HMS Jupiter and a spell on FEWSG. Sirius has a good website and there are many gollies posted on there from the various commissions. Hope to catch up with you all at the forthcoming reunion.
