Tuesday 2 September 2008

Jacko Jackson D157429H

Hi All,

Just touching base with you and see if there is anyone out there still alive from my sojourns aroud the EW traps of the RN. I'm now living in New Zealand after leaving Pussers and emigrating in 1991. I served as an EW rating from 1976 to 1991 and served at the following with the mentioned EWs or RO(W)s :

1976 - Training at North Camp HMS Mercury EW2A course
1977 - 1979 - HMS Ajax (with Roy Osbiston, Paddy McGowan, Ian McFarland)
1979 - 1981 - SNONI (with Jo Brookes)
1982 - HMS Dryad LS(EW) course (with too many to mention!)
1982 - 1984 - HMS Newcastle (with Jim Hubbard, Jan Pearce, Billy Benton)
1885 - HMS Dryad PO(EW) course (with Mick Jenkins, Sandy Saunders, Golly Morton)
1986 - HMS Sultan (with Al Haywood, Tom ?)
1987 - 1989 - HMS Illustrious (with Sandy Sanderson, Mick Jenkins, ? Whitlock, Dave Pegg)
1989 -1991 - RNEWOS (with Golly Morton, Sandy Saunders, Kenny Franklin, John Utley, Bungy Wiliams)

I joined the RNZN in 1991 but left in 1993 to pursue an 11 year stint as an ELINT analyst with the NZ Defence Force.

Caree highlights:

HMS Illustrious (EW Director and Chief Quartermaster)
RNEWOS (Data Writer for those nice big red books!)
National Security Agency Intermediate ELINT Analysis Course

Anyway, it'd be great to hear from any of the above if you're still around.

Mike 'Jacko' Jackson


  1. Jacko hi,

    Ian Stevens

  2. Christ Jacko !!

    I know I'm old but PO's course in 1885 ???

    Now I know why Jim Hubbard looked so haggard

    Bunny Warren [the younger and good looking one]

    BTW, do you remember the Lotus House Chogie Nosh shop in Gib 1977 when we 'grippoed' those Yank submariners after a Sunday morning postcard run and copious amounts of JCs ? What do you mean - NO ??

  3. Christ Bunny, my memory isn't that good, what did you do, write a diary about it all? Must make interesting reading! LOL.

    C'mon you remember those courses in 1885, hard work turning the capstan by hand but a cruisy life in the crows nest on watch! Ha ha!

    Watch out for your face on the Gollies web site this weekend.

  4. Hi Jacko,
    Good to hear from you and glad you survived the spell with me at RNEWOS. Happy Days. I still keep in touch with big Bob Spinner, both of us retired now. I spent 12 in the RN Careers Service then moved on to become an estate manager and chauffeur for a very wealthy businesman in N. Yorks - good perks but didnt get any of his millions !!
    I have lived in Turkey for the past 2 years and loving the sun and cold beers. No desire to go back to crap UK.
    Nice to see Ian Stevens still in circulation and thanks to Martin for setting the site up (you thought you were old - I did my POs(sorry, RS(W)) course in '74 !! Mere sprog.
    Take care

  5. Hi John, still sucking on that pipe of yours! Yeh Happy Days indeed at RNEWOS, except in the heatwaves eh? Stood me in good stead for my stint with the NZDF. Could never imagine going back to Blighty, just a wonderful lifestyle here in NZ. Happy to be a sprog!! Take care mate.

  6. Hi to JohnU
    thought u were still in Yorkshire,
    Doc Findlay

  7. Hi Jacko, I was at Wyton the same time as you, I was an AB living in the same house as Caz Caswell. I worked on 19 D with Derek Higgins.

    Currently Chief EW, going on Ark next year
    Wilky Wilkinson

    (not happy that my word verification included "kop" !
