Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Ex CPO(EW) Paul Blackwell (served from 1983-2006) goes all native

'This photo epitomises the fun I'm having out here and what its like being a true aussie. Taken during the World cup last year (with my mates off HMAS BALLERAT) we thrashed the Kiwis that night but unfortunately they beat us in the final...............oh well twas a good night anyway!

Come all you Gollies thinking of a change, come to Oz the RAN needs you!!!

Yours Aye

Paul Blackwell

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Congratulations to HMS Monmouth

Commander Operations (COMOPS), RAdm Mark Anderson BSc RN presented The Intelligence Trophy sponsored Mr Paul Davison (Managing Director Northrop Gruman Information Systems Europe) to HMS MONMOUTH’s ships Maritime Intelligence Team.

EW members of the team included
CPO EW Chris Hacking – ex MONM PO EW, PO EW Toby Hunt & LS EW Kevin Huckfield